Markov chains, semi-Markov chains, and more broadly, Markov processes and their hidden variants constitute a rich and versatile family of stochastic models with applications spanning a wide range of fields, including population dynamics, epidemic modeling, seismology, speech and activity recognition, and reliability analysis. Despite their widespread use, ongoing theoretical and algorithmic advancements are essential to tackle emerging challenges in real-world problems, such as those involving complex observations, multiple interacting hidden dynamics, or control scenarios with constraints.

These models have been explored from diverse perspectives across methodological communities—such as process statistics, computational statistics, and optimal control—and applied domains, including signal processing, ecology, and medicine.

As part of the ANR HSMM-INCA project, the national workshop PMSMA was organized in 2023 to bring together the French statistical community engaged in these topics.

The MASEMO workshop has two key objectives: expanding PMSMA scope to an international audience and extending its thematic range. Hidden Markov and semi-Markov models are often developed independently within non-statistical communities, such as signal processing and artificial intelligence. The upcoming workshop seeks to bridge these gaps by fostering dialogue and collaboration across disciplines, particularly on topics at the intersection of these fields.

We hope the event will provide a framework to share the latest developments, encompassing theoretical insights, modeling techniques, inference methods, decision-making strategies, and practical applications. 



Workshop Time: July 1st - July 4th, 2025 (details TBA)

Workshop location: Université Paris Sorbonne, campus Pierre et Marie Curie. Amphi Astier in Building Esclagon. Entrance on Jussieu street


Registration is free but mandatory. Please register on this website.


  • Deadline for submission: March 28, 2025
  • Acceptance notification: April 25, 2025
  • Opening registration:  April 28, 2025
  • Closing registration: May 30, 2025


AMAP, botAnique et Modélisation de l'Architecture des Plantes et des végétations, CIRAD

IMAG Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck, Université de Montpellier, CNRS

LIEC, Laboratoire  Interdisciplinaire des Environnements Continentaux, Université de Lorraine, CNRS   

LPSM, Laboratoire de Probabilité, Statistique et Modélisation, Sorbonne Unversité, Université Paris Cité

LMRS Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem, Université de Rouen–Normandie, CNRS  

MIAT Unité de Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées de Toulouse, INRAE Toulouse



Caroline Bérard (LMRS, Université de Rouen–Normandie)

Benoîte de Saporta (IMAG, Université de Montpellier)

Jean-Baptiste Durand (AMAP, CIRAD Montpellier)

Catherine Matias (LPSM, CNRS)

Nathalie Peyrard (MIAT, INRAE Toulouse)

Sandra Plancade (MIAT, INRAE Toulouse)

Nicolas Vergne (LMRS, Université de Rouen–Normandie)

Irene Votsi (LIEC, Université de Lorraine)






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